

Interview: With Efficient Productions by Macao Daily


活動日期: 2003年12月10日 17:00

James Jacinto from Efficient Productions is a producerand director of film and video productions. James feels the market in Macau is relatively small, although there exists only a few competitors around. Most of his clients belong to large corporations and government and rarely any small company or store. For the video productions, James hopes his clients can understand that certain extent of investment is inevitable for high quality output. James can also foresee that promotions for the coming Macao 2005, 4th East Asia Games can be made via media such as TV commercials, internet and the 3G mobile phones, which will definitely stimulate the development of video productions. In addition, the agreement of CEPA also helps to explore the market in Mainland China. Somehow James says there is no professional training course in Macau, which results in the difficulties for someone green to start his career in this business.