

Fashion Jewelry

活動日期: 2004年10月12日 — 20日
Date:Oct 12-20, 2004. Tue-Fri 18:30-21:30 / Sat & Sun 15:30-18:30 (8 sessions)
Location:Creative Macau
Deadline:Sep 12

An insight into the world of jewelry, a fashion jewelry workshop.

Aims: To know the history and meaning of Jewelry and to see the work of the more significant contemporary jewelers.

To make a reflection about the jewel as an ornament, and its relationship with the body, the clothes and fashion.

To makea project of a piece of jewelry, creating a mold with very simple materials such as acrylic, textile, cardboard, metal, or related with a specific garment.

Date: Oct 12-20, 2004. Tue-Fri 18:30-21:30 / Sat & Sun 15:30-18:30 (8 sessions)
Location: Creative Macau
Deadline: Sep 12
Fee: MOP1,000.00

About Manuela Sousa:

Born in Lisbon, Portugal. Graduated from Jewelry Department in Centre of Art and Visual Communication, Lisbon 1986/1990. Jewelry Teacher in School of Visual Arts in Macao Polytechnic Institute, 1990-1997.