Creative Macau

Center for Creative Industries


All Events

Grand Opening Celebration of CCI

28th August, 2003

Thursday, August 28, 2003 was the date of the Grand Opening for the Center for Creative Industries (CCI). The celebration featured a day of ceremonies, performances, exhibition, food and fun. A large group of guests and artists were invited to come join the event. At 11 in the morning, under the leadership of the President, […]

Press Conference – Bryan’s EP & P2P Concert

26th August, 2003

Tuesday, August 26, 2003 – A press conference for a local singer, Bryan, was held at the Center. The event began at 5:30 p.m. at CCI, organized by Vocanimals Music. Hosted by Michael Fung and Lei Kin Kei, release of Bryan’s new EP and his forthcoming concert were announced to the press, with his new […]