Creative Macau

Center for Creative Industries

Time Wheel ‧ City Memory Series

By Denise Lei Fong Ieng

Event Date: 21st September — 13th October, 2012

This exhibition is inspired by the intertwined historical background and gaming industries of Macao. In this old tiny city, locals have experienced a 180° change because of the vigorously developing gaming industry. This story starts from the special year of 2002, at the time when Macao is opened to gamble right. Within these brilliant ten years, exquisite casinos are built in every corner of this no-longer-ordinary city. Meanwhile, the time wheel of Macao witnesses the sparkling transformation…

Using lights, glass, and metal, etc as the presentation materials, dishing up a fabulously splendid visual effect, yet displaying the delicate and dangerous nature of…

“Floaters”, a disease that often occurs in Ophthalmology, a process that brings long-term effect.

This is a related exhibition which shares different views about the world inspired by “floaters”.

For me, life is meaningful, where I can do what I could in order to ensure the presence of myself, and that is the ultimate goal of my life – Self pursuit.

In the days while we could see, we should enjoy the beauty of the clear blue sky, which is a happiness.