The widespread use of photography plus the predominance of digital image capture nowadays, has transferred image post-production and editing, from old labs and photo-studio to the camera itself. A photographer only has to do the previous setting – or leave it to the camera, which takes completely hold of the process, choice and taste, dispensing with all but a shutterbug.
These works are based on Macau “moments. Seizing my attention but Macau as a borough, an essence of something resilient for almost 500 years. Manipulated within the “dark room” of my imagination.
The immense wave of people drowning the Macau resident; the multitude of photographers; reminiscences in plain stone that cross over without colliding; the olden Portugal-China blend.
I chose to call it “Macau of my own” – given the immense infinity fancy offers those choosing to grasp and capture it, guided solely by each one’s emotions and life experience.