Creative Macau

Center for Creative Industries

Architecture Exhibition of HKU Students

Event Date: 23rd July, 2004

A Good Tourist in the Deserted Site
– Transforming for tourism
– A contemplation on the site of the former Lec Long Firecracker Factory in Taipa Island

12 models in different themes are exhibited
Untouchable Land
Amusement Park- Fire in Water
Containers of Memory
Discover the Disappearance
Obscure Entry
Inversion of the Ordinary
Wall Museum- Reverse Parallelism
Amazing Land
Theme Park: Tourist [play]ground
A Sanctuary for Lounging Tourists
Thin City Museum

“I have a very good reason to plan this architectural students?exhibition, which is the result of their critical enquiries into the ‘Contemporary Tourism’. The project site in question is in Taipa Island, the site of the former Iec Long Firecracker Factory next to Taipa Village. The site, which has been left unattended for more than a decade, is now the subject for the actual redevelopment under the current discussion. The concerns are the issues of heritage and development for tourism. Our students exploited the possible architectural responses conceptually in quest for their visions of a good tourist.”

– Prof. Mr Naonori Matsuda