Ed Sant’ Ana

Ed Sant’ Ana was born in Quelimane, Mozambique on the 12 of February 1966. As a truly Aquarian he accepts as ture the freedom of mind and spirit.
His first steps on the path of music are related to his childhood and youth which had as soundtrack the rhythms of the quitar, that soon made him trade the football, another passion by the music turing him in an excellent composer, guitar player and performer who devoted many hours working and improving his art.
In 1987 with his project ED Band he performed in several European countries, USA and Africa, returning later to Portugal where he participated in several TV shows and played together with other great Portuguese musicians.
Ed Sant’ Ana believes in the oneness of music and it’s universality as he recorded and performed with musicians and artists of various nationalities and cultures, whom he called brothers and from whom he was truly inspired as his music has a spicy cocktail of spirtuality and sensuality.